Beware of first movers How do new technologies enter the market, achieve success, and become widely adopted? It doesn't happen overnight. The Technology Adoption Model is a popular way to describe how new technologies are absorbed -- and it has a lot of implications for IT markets.
Schofield on Saturday
Guardian Unlimited
Thursday, April 3, 2003
Home truths: businesses are falling behind, and most professionals have better computers at home than they do in the office....
Guardian Online
Schofield column
Beware: hoax emails are not coming from Microsoft, but it is easy to check. Putting word processed files on the Web -- software can help, if you have a lot of them. The problem with touchpads on notebook computers, and processors generating heat. Alternatives to Outlook Express. Backchat: another way to remove the games from Windows 2000 and XP.
Ask Jack

I'm tracking technology, and technology is tracking me