Tracked and tested -- Wal-Mart pushes RFID tags, and it could well have to power to prompt widespread adoption, as it did with bar codes.
Guardian Online
It's in our hands Handheld computers may not be as popular as they used to be as consumer devices, but they still have a lot of potential in the corporate market.
Schofield column
Guardian Online
The Tour de France -- it's time to start picking your team. Re Jesus -- the Bible in txt format, and other bits of fun. Technorati brings home the bloggers. Web Demographic. Pets with pages on the White House site. "Most unwanted Americans" -- the latest deck of cards. Six on the best: Blockbuster films.
Web watch
A firewall can reveal that you are running software you don't know about, and may prefer to do without. Capturing Internet radio broadcasts. Backchat: extending that phone line using the mains, and more on The Proxomitron.
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I'm tracking technology, and technology is tracking me