Munich picks Linux. Judge Jackson thought Linux was a joke but Munich plans to install it on about 14,000 desktops. Brave? Not really. It's following a lead given by the German government, and it will have the backing of the world's biggest computer company, IBM.
Guardian Online
Schofield column
The Webby Awards, and World Environment Day. The portal for people with impaired vision, and the Connexion for troubled teens. Who remembers you? This site could help find out. Broad Brother -- the high-speed version of Channel 4's Big Brother. Geek tests: which Matrix character are you, and other quizzes.
Web watch
Hot Tosh: The Satellite that shuts down after half an hour. There may be a tilde (~) file on your Windows desktop -- here's why. The CD-ROM drive stops reading the disc -- try giving it a clean. Removing browser hijackers, including i-lookup. Backchat: more on Polish caracters (but it helps if you read Polish).
Ask Jack
Blogging software is going to become an important business tool. You should be playing with it now, to learn what it can do.
Schofield column
Computer Weekly

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