John Cocke, sometimes known as the father of RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computing), has died aged 77.
Guardian obituaries
Thursday, July 25, 2002
Things to do when you run out of hard drive space when running Microsoft Windows; Port 139 reported open; two quick ways to make windows maximized, and open them that way in Internet Explorer; what to do when your Windows application is so minimized you can't seem to get into it. Backchat: one reader points out that a computer that overheats when the processor runs at 100% utilization is a badly-designed computer; and another recommends a book for home PC builders.
Guardian: Ask Jack
At the Tate Modern gallery you can now borrow a multimedia guide, based on a Compaq iPaq handheld computer. It's a pilot programme that only covers a few works, but the developers say it is the first of its kind.
What's New: Tate modem
It's time handheld computers started to fit in with their bigger brethren instead of requiring dedicated peripherals... and the new Toshiba e740 PocketPC seems to be a step in the right direction. Indeed, it is possible to imagine it replacing your desktop and notebook PCs, phone, MP3 player and numerous other gadgets.....
Computer Weekly > Technology > Mobile Computing > Features
Monday, July 22, 2002
How realistic is the technology in the movie Minority Report?
Guardian G2

I'm tracking technology, and technology is tracking me
Summer of content: Books to read on the beach, if you haven't already read them. This is very far from being a complete guide, but does at least get you started in most of the major areas.
Guardian Online
Is a Windows program maxing out your processor and causing crashes through overheating? Is someone sending spam using your e-mail address? What to back up in Outlook Express e-mail. Is it worth building your own PC?Plus: ECOMWR.DLL not found; looking for the virtual truck program; and FavOrg, a free PC Magazine program to keep those favicons up to date.
Ask Jack
More attempts to stop spam from Email Filtering (EMF) and Cloudmark's SpamNet. Microsoft's MapPoint has finally been launched in the UK. Virgin Radio streams MP3 files and is the most listened to station on the Web. How Twinkies saved superheroes. Aneki's ranking site. The OpenFind search engine is now in beta in the US. Things to do to give your Web site more credibility. Six of the best golf sites, and more.
Web watch
Guardian Online
Is a Windows program maxing out your processor and causing crashes through overheating? Is someone sending spam using your e-mail address? What to back up in Outlook Express e-mail. Is it worth building your own PC?Plus: ECOMWR.DLL not found; looking for the virtual truck program; and FavOrg, a free PC Magazine program to keep those favicons up to date.
Ask Jack
More attempts to stop spam from Email Filtering (EMF) and Cloudmark's SpamNet. Microsoft's MapPoint has finally been launched in the UK. Virgin Radio streams MP3 files and is the most listened to station on the Web. How Twinkies saved superheroes. Aneki's ranking site. The OpenFind search engine is now in beta in the US. Things to do to give your Web site more credibility. Six of the best golf sites, and more.
Web watch
Pixels at an exhibition: I sat down with Henry Jenkins, games guru from MIT, before the opening of the Game On exhibition at the Barbican art gallery. This is some of what he had to say....
Guardian Online: Birth of a medium
A billion units: PCs passed a milestone in April and Gartner Dataquest expects the industry to shift another billion by 2008. But there could be a backlash if digital rights management systems are used to control what users can do with entertainment content such as music, videos and games.
Second Sight
Things to do to make Outlook Express safer and protect yourself from virus attacks. Also, what are Favicons and where did they go? How to make sure you get the site you want -- in this case, the UK version of the Financial Times. Plus: other ways to reduce screen contrast and reduce the risk of eye-strain.
Ask Jack
Palladium: prison or protector? There's been a lot of talk about Palladium, and most of it has missed the crucial facts. First, there's an industry-wide attempt to move to "trusted platform" computers, and the world's two biggest computer companies are founder members: IBM and HP/Compaq. It's not just Microsoft, by any means. Second, "trusted platform" hardware can be built into CD-R and DVD drives, keyboards, smart card readers and other peripherals. If you manage to avoid "trusted platform" PCs, you may end up isolated because other things wont talk to them.
Computer Weekly > Technology > Security
Guardian Online: Birth of a medium
A billion units: PCs passed a milestone in April and Gartner Dataquest expects the industry to shift another billion by 2008. But there could be a backlash if digital rights management systems are used to control what users can do with entertainment content such as music, videos and games.
Second Sight
Things to do to make Outlook Express safer and protect yourself from virus attacks. Also, what are Favicons and where did they go? How to make sure you get the site you want -- in this case, the UK version of the Financial Times. Plus: other ways to reduce screen contrast and reduce the risk of eye-strain.
Ask Jack
Palladium: prison or protector? There's been a lot of talk about Palladium, and most of it has missed the crucial facts. First, there's an industry-wide attempt to move to "trusted platform" computers, and the world's two biggest computer companies are founder members: IBM and HP/Compaq. It's not just Microsoft, by any means. Second, "trusted platform" hardware can be built into CD-R and DVD drives, keyboards, smart card readers and other peripherals. If you manage to avoid "trusted platform" PCs, you may end up isolated because other things wont talk to them.
Computer Weekly > Technology > Security
The end of free: Web sites and Web services are under pressure to move from free to fee.
Guardian Online
Ways you can try to reduce the amount of spam in your mailbox; why a virus checker doesn't check all your mail as it arrives; what to do if Internet Explorer will only save images in Bitmap format; one-way messaging for use in school; spyware programs are very unlikely to be password sniffers; where to sell your old home computers online (eBay); a recommendation for Karen's Directory Printer.
Ask Jack
You can register an interest in BT Broadband even if you can't have it. Three sites for movie fans including Movie Poop Shoot. Teaching kids about homelessness (and raising money the IT way). Sites that let you shorten Web addresses. Play the Game On game on the Barbican Art Gallery Web site. Six of the best Lego sites, and more.
Web Watch
Guardian Online
Ways you can try to reduce the amount of spam in your mailbox; why a virus checker doesn't check all your mail as it arrives; what to do if Internet Explorer will only save images in Bitmap format; one-way messaging for use in school; spyware programs are very unlikely to be password sniffers; where to sell your old home computers online (eBay); a recommendation for Karen's Directory Printer.
Ask Jack
You can register an interest in BT Broadband even if you can't have it. Three sites for movie fans including Movie Poop Shoot. Teaching kids about homelessness (and raising money the IT way). Sites that let you shorten Web addresses. Play the Game On game on the Barbican Art Gallery Web site. Six of the best Lego sites, and more.
Web Watch
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